
Allergies are a harmful immune response of the body to a substance found in certain foods, pollen, fur, dust, etc., to which the body has become hypersensitive.

Common allergies include:

  • Grass and tree pollen – known as hay fever or allergic rhinitis
  • Food – especially eggs, shellfish, cow’s milk, some nuts
  • Dust mites
  • Medicines
  • Animal fur
  • Insect bites and stings

Most common allergy symptoms include:

  • Sneezing
  • Itchiness
  • Blocked nose
  • Itchy red watery eyes
  • Chest tightness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Swelling of tongue
  • Cough
  • Skin rash

Depending on the cause and symptoms, the most common treatment for allergies consists of over-the-counter or prescription drugs in the form of pills or liquid, nasal sprays or eye drops, and for the severe allergies, allergen immunotherapy.

Some natural treatment to reduce symptoms of allergy:

  • Salt solution – A salt (or saline) solution is one of the most common treatments for a blocked runny nose. A swollen nasal mucosa fills the nasal cavity and prevents the flow of air during breathing. A salt solution helps beak down mucus that blocks the nasal cavity and makes it easier to remove. It also helps remove the allergens from the nose. You can use a nasal spray, or a nasal irrigation device. We also recommend a cheap but effective way of using a home-made solution: You can make a mild solution of ½ teaspoon of Himalayan salt and 1 cup of filtered water, pour a little solution into the palm of your hand, sniff in both nostrils, then blow out. Repeat morning and evening for better results.
  • Stay well hydrated – It is very important to stay well hydrated, because water helps to dilute mucus in the nasal passages and flush out toxins and allergens.
  • Use Vaseline jelly – Applying Vaseline jelly inside and outside the nostrils helps prevent allergens from entering the airways.
  • Clean clothes and hair – Washing clothes and washing your hair more often ensures that you won’t be exposed to allergens trapped on your clothes and hair for longer than necessary.
  • Vacuuming your home – More frequent vacuuming will reduce allergens indoors.
  • Air purifier – There are various air purifiers on the market, that work to trap indoor allergens pushing out pure air.
    Explore and find the one that works best for you.
  • Wear sunglasses – Sunglasses help protect your eyes from pollen in the air and various pollutants.
  • Limit alcohol intake – Some alcoholic beverages contain histamines and preservatives that can trigger your allergic response. Limiting alcohol intake at least during the hay fever season would prevent or reduce your allergic response.
  • Know your triggers – The best way to protect yourself is to know what triggers your allergies and try to avoid them, or prepare antihistamines and other aids in advance to reduce or eliminate the symptoms.
  • Essential oils – A blend essential oils of lavender, lemon and peppermint   acts as a natural antihistamine that reduces the body’s inflammatory response to allergens. Therefore, using in a diffuser can prevent allergies.
  • Probiotics – Although external factors such as pollen, dust and pet hair are known allergens, your body may have high levels of histamine also due to internal factors. Your gut contains about 75% of your immune system, so if out of balance, it makes you susceptible to allergies and allergy symptoms. Probiotics help balance your flora by lowering histamine levels and calming your immune response. There are a number of quality probiotics on the market, but you can also consume sauerkraut or natural style yoghurt, which are excellent natural probiotics.
  • Dietary supplements – There are a number of dietary supplements that can reduce inflammation in the body and strengthen the immune system. These supplements include: zinc, curcumin, nettles, selenium, vitamin C, vitamin D, fish oil, quercetin and ginger – to name a few

When you start a new natural treatment for your health problems, be sure you consult your doctor, to ensure making the right treatment choices.

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➥ DISCLAIMER: This post is not intended to replace medical treatment. The information provided is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.